Manton Fire Safe Council Runs a Variety of Programs Throughout the Year to Support our Goal of Community Fire Safety.
Firewise Community
Manton is now a certified Firewise Community. NFPA's Firewise USA® program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action.
Biochar Kiln and Program
Biochar is an eco-friendly way to turn organic waste material into a useful and valuable product that benefits both agriculture and the environment. MFSC can provide you with a kiln to use on your land in lieu of a burn pile.
Chili Cook-Off
Join us each November as the residents of Manton bring their best chili recipes to town, while children aim for the honor of best cornbread cook. This fundraiser keeps MFSC going and is a fun social event for all ages!
Water Tanks
Manton Fire Safe Council has invested generously donated funds to equip our community with tanks to be used in the event of a fire. Learn more about our fire tanks and their importance to our community.