• Get Ready

  • Take Action

  • Be Prepared

Take steps to prepare your land and home from wildfire with a variety of resources from MFSC and our local partners.

Additional Resources for Manton Residents

  • Shasta County Fire Safe Council

    The Shasta County Fire Safe Council works to protect lives, property, and natural resources in Shasta County from devastating effect of wildfires.

  • Wildlife Activity

    App for wildfire activity.

  • Emergency Evacuation Supply Kit

    An emergency supply kit list to help prepare for evacuation.

  • Watch Duty

    App for up-to-date fire information.

  • Inciweb

    Maps of fire activity

  • the-lookout.org

    Ongoing reporting of fire and forestry issues from Zeke Lunder.

  • Cal Fire

    The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection serves and safeguards the people and protects the property and resources of California.

  • California Fire Safe Council

    It brought together community leaders, governmental agencies, and corporations to provide education to the residents of California on the dangers of wildfires and how they could be prevented.

  • Tehama East Tehama West 2017 CWPP

    The Community Wildfire Protection Plan identifies and prioritizes areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments and recommends the types and methods of treatment. ACWPP may address issues such as wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness, or structure protection

  • Shingletown Fire Safe Council

    Shingletown Fire Safe Council is working to help protect the Shingletown area. Currently has a large WUI Fuels Treatment Project that extends from Lake McCumber down 44 and to Manton.

  • Tehama County Resource Conservation District (TCRCD)

    As a nonregulatory public agency the Resource Conservation District of Tehama County works with the community to manage, conserve, improve and enjoy the natural resources of Tehama County,

  • Ishi Conversation Camp #18

    The camp’s primary mission is to provide incarcerated fire crews for fire suppression activities in the Tehama, Glenn, Shasta and Plumas County areas. In addition to fire suppression, incarcerated hand crews provide a work force for conservation and community services projects in the local area. The designated in-camp project is CDF Boxed Meal Shop, which produces boxed ready to eat meals for firefighters and are distributed throughout the State

  • Firewise Communities

    The Firewise Communities program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action to prevent losses.

  • National Wildfire Coordinating Group

    The National Wildfire Coordinating Group provides national leadership to enable interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners.

  • Wilson Biochar

    Information on how to make Biochar.