Minutes of the Community Meeting February 12, 2024 6:00 p.m.

Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department

Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin-Sproul, Chelsey

Snethen, Hal Sawyer.

Attending: Dan Douglas, Priscilla Tupper, Paul Crabtree, Tom Carrier, Regina

Bell, Skip Polacchi, Thelma Polacchi, Bob Tipton, Drew Barnhart, Kyoung Kim,

John Wilson, Robert Strawn, Gayle Ameche, Jeff Jerrigen, Madeline Meyer,

BettyKay Pilcher, Ken Pilcher, Pat Dwyer, Susie Diemer, Stan Holzen, Trey Hiller.

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Janet Jensen.

Approval of Nov. 13, 2023 minutes, motioned by Pat Dwyer, 2nd by Robert

Strawn, no objections.

I. Speakers: Dan Douglas, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist, spoke to the group

about becoming a Firewise Community. Dan has been assisting groups for 17

years and has helped certify 17 communities. Part of his job is to make sure that

we do our part to make our homes fire safe. Two benefits with becoming recog-

nized are in attaining grants and getting home owner’s insurance. Dan will be

contracted by MFSC to complete and submit the forms for becoming Firewise.

II. Drew Barnhart, Project Manager, Tehama Co. Resource Conservation District,

spoke about current work being done on So. Powerhouse Rd. and Manton

School Rd. as well as new ingress/egress clearing on Forward Rd which will be

covered by $8500 from the Title III grant money for MFSC. He spoke about

170 acres total that are signed up for mastication work. He is applying for an-

other PG&E grant in August for 75k.

III. Joanne gave update about Lassen Fire Safe Council grant and the work that is

now scheduled for Wilson Hill Rd.

IV. Ken Pilcher gave an update on the Manton Valley Radio Communication Sys-

tem. He talked about how the radios were used the night before for an emer-

gency situation. People who were interested in training signed up with him.

V. MFSC put the discussion before the community members about changing the

date of the quarterly meetings so that we can include someone from our very

important Manton Volunteer Fire Dept. It was unanimous that we change our

meetings to the 3rd Tuesday of each Quarter. Bob Strawn made the motion and

BettyKay Pilcher made the 2nd motion.

VI. We once again let the community members know that Manton Fire Safe Coun-

cil has a vacancy for Secretary on our board! Being the Secretary means taking

minutes at the quarterly and necessary Board meetings. Anyone who would like

to contribute your time towards a valuable goal, please contact us: https://


VII. Treasurer’s Report:

Chelsey Snethen reported that as of 2/12/2024 our checking account has

$12,500 and our savings (for water tank maintenance has $2800.

VIII. Open Discussion- Trey Hiller gave a report from Battle Creek Watershed

Conservancy- PG&E/Battle Creek restoration and FERC- please refer to

https://www.facebook.com/battlecreekwc/with any questions.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:13 with a motion from Trey Hiller and a 2nd from

Chelsey Snethen.

*Next meeting will be April 16, 2024.


Next MFSC Meeting: February 12, 2024, 6pm at the Volunteer Fire Station