Community Meeting Minutes - January 14, 2025


Minutes of the Community Meeting

January 14, 2025 6:00 p.m.

Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department

Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin-Sproul, Chelsey Snethen, Hal Sawyer.

Attending: Judy Ramos, Tom Carrier, Suzie Carrier, Paul Crabtree, Darrell Tomlinson, Diana Tomlinson, BettyKay Pilcher, Elliott Proffitt, Tony Delgardo, Pete Kampmann, Madeline Meyer, Pati Nolen, Marion Roksvold, John Povey, Patty Povey, Stephanie Dickerson.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Janet Jensen.

Approval of Sept. 17, 2024 minutes, motioned by Joanne Sproul, 2nd by Chelsey Snethen, no objections. Janet opened meeting with good news that we have our Firewise certification and that the signs will be installed next week. Joanne had copies of the certification for anyone who wanted to submit information to their insurance.

I. Speakers: Stephanie Dickerson, Coordinator Defensible Space, Tehama County Resource Conservation District, spoke about Fuel Reduction clearance having begun on Rock Creek Rd.and Wilson Hill. RCD is working on updating the 2017 CWPP for Tehama County. She passed out handouts that had a QR code and RCDTC number for residents to add feedback/ideas to new Community Wildfire Protection Plan. *Chelsey mentioned that she had the forms for Shasta County residents ready to be filled out. Stephanie said that she is also on the committee for Park Fire Relief and there is still emergency relief available (get contact info from her). Brin Greer asked that she let community know that the Wild & Scenic Film Festival is coming up on March 29 and the Manton short video will be featured. Drew Barnhart asked Stephanie to let us know that they have completed 120 acres of mastication at the end of Manton School Rd and So. Powerhouse and that CalFire is onboard for maintenance. They are also in Phase III of clearing on Forward Rd., Manton School Rd. and So. PowerhouseRd.

II. Currently, MFSC is working on placing 2 more 5,000 gallon water tanks at Pete Kampmann’s property on Wilson Hill, Shasta County side of Manton. The details for installation are being worked out with Sinclair Pump and Electric.

III. Janet spoke about MFSC sending a letter of support to Manton Parks for their application for Emergency Hub funding.

IV. Joanne has updated the lists for Tehama and Shasta County residents who have requested help with property clearing. Community members who wish to have help should contact our FSC at 530-474-3156 or Stephanie Dickerson at

RCDTC 530-727-1280.

V. Our date for the Chili Cook-off and Fire Prevention Education fair has been changed to November 8. Joanne asked that anyone who could begin collecting auction items, please feel free to start as soon as possible, she put out the donation letter.

VI. Elliott Proffitt spoke about using the Bio-Char kiln when they are clearing brush- it burns clean energy and the charcoal made can be used in a variety of ways, especially in the garden. Community members can check it out using the QR on our FB page or website or contact Hal Sawyer or Elliott.

VII. Chelsey reminded everyone to log your work hours for Firewise. She will set up an online form and will be regular about adding the link on FB.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:04 with a motion from Hal and 2nd from Chelsey.

*Next meeting will be March 11, 2025.


Minutes of the Community Meeting February 12, 2024 6:00 p.m.