Manton Firesafe Council Community Meeting Notes from March 14th, 2022 at MVFD
Minutes of the Community Meeting
March 14, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department
Present at Meeting: Board Members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin Sproul, Renee Timmons, Heather Boone, Elliott Proffitt.
Attending: Regina Bell, Julie Turner, Hal Sawyer, Tom Carrier, David Sproul, Philip Lee, Clarke Paquin.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Janet Jensen. Regina Bell opened, David Sproul 2nd. Recording of minutes approved, no objections.
II. Review of Meeting Norms:
Renee Timmons went over meeting norms that had been approved at community meeting in November, 2021.
III. Zoom call, 3/3/22, at Tehama County RCD highlights:
Janet Jensen reviewed some of the highlights from meeting that included CalFire, CA Fire Safe Council, US Forest Service, US Park Service, Lassen Park, SPI, OES, Nature Conservancy: most pertinent to our council- Key- prescribed fires (TCRCD involved); TCRCD has 50 projects going on- Roadside work in Manton included, work with SPI; Fire classes, “Burn Boss” certification open to foresters now, will have an “Institute Concept” and Burn Pile Certification.
IV. MFSC/BCWC meeting 3/10/22 update:
Janet Jensen reported that the meeting organized by Hannah Lichnerowicz was a good, productive meeting between the boards. BCWC gave an update on work they have been involved in with the Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy. MFSC answered the query about joining BCWC as fiscal sponsor as not useful as MFSC is now its own 501c3 nonprofit organization.
V. Updates from committees:
Elliott Proffitt, chair for committees, led group with a diagram of how Board works with committees. Water Group, leader Tom Carrier, explained the goals of their group- to identify and make improvements/increase water resources to support suppression of fires in the Manton community. By: 1. Establish and update existing water resources; 2. Identify different types of additional water resources and locations; 3. Identify various options to support funding for water resource improvements; 4. Make recommendations to Board on “changes” or acceptance “as is” on forms; 5.Brainstorm ways to get additional community support to accomplish goals. Evac Group, leader David Sproul, reviewed activities of group- 1. Update on Evac routes and safe zone preliminary survey; 2. Update on Horn Alarm activation evaluation at MVFS; 3. Update on Mobile Alert, email alert, reverse 911 evaluation; 4. Update contact with Sheriff/CalFire regarding maps. Welcome Packet Committee, led by Julie Turner- presented idea with mock-up of mailer to be sent to all of community, asked for input and a large magnet was suggested. Also contacting RCD about help. Baskets with flyers for new community members a great proposal.
VI. Survey Results
postponed until next meeting
VII. Task group for Chili Cook-
off postponed. Joanne Paquin Sproul said that she will begin organizing via FB and contacts.
VIII. Treasurer’s Report
Renee Timmons reported that as of beginning Feb. 2022, we had $3,783.64 in our account and after office supplies and mailer had $2,216.61 at end of February.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50p,m. Julie Turner moved and Heather
Boone seconded.