Manton Firesafe Council Community Meeting Notes from April 11th, 2022 at MVFD


Minutes of the Community Meeting

April 11, 2022 6:00 p.m.

Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department

Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin- Sproul, Heather Boone, Renee Timmons, Elliott Proffitt.

Attending: Ted James, Chad Stout, Ken and Regina Bell, David Griffiths, Stephanie Ferguson, Randy Rosan, Wayne Wyckoff, Paul Crabtree, Tom Carrier, David Sproul, Hal Sawyer, Trey Hiller, Clarke Paquin, Philip Lee, John Hudson, Chelsey Snethen, Stan Holzen, Priscilla Tupper, Gerard Minakawa, Ken and Betty Kay Pilcher, Oscar Daniels.

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Janet Jensen. Regina Bell opened, Ken Bell 2nd.

Recording of minutes approved, no objections.

1. Speakers from Sierra Pacific Industries Lassen District Manager, Ted James & SPI Lassen District Vegetation Management Specialist Chad Stout explained that Lassen District encompasses from Mill Creek to Latour to Old Station. Ted James began discussion regarding escape routes for fires, and that given the direction of fires going north to east, the main escape route is Rock Creek Rd, which is a public road and is maintained by the county. Addressing the main concern regarding locked gates owned by Sierra Pacific, Ted clarified that there are numerous agencies that have keys such as Cal Fire engines, Battalion chiefs, Sheriff, CHP, Fish and Game, U.S. Forestry, etc. They also discussed maintenance on the A-line andG-line road for better driving access and that SPI will be putting up reflective signage towards Viola. Ted spoke about how emergency alerts are quicker now with maps “air-dropped” to phones as well as texting alerts near properties. Also, if their contractors are on the job, they are directed to put out fires immediately. Ted also spoke about fuel breaks being located strategically for access and defensible positioning, and that requirements have changed regarding plant spacing, now being 30 feet apart. Ted said that he is “a fan of landscape level of clearing” and is an advocate of water sources used for fire suppression. There was discussion with Tom Carrier involving water tanks and helping with possible water sources as well as possible grant money and help with filling water tanks. * Ted James can be emailed at: *Chad Stout, who is the management specialist specifically for fuel breaks for Manton can be emailed at:

2. Update with Tehama County RCD by Janet Jensen: Janet reported that the news is not very good for Manton in that RCD would be unable to help with grant money regarding water sources but that there is interest in finding new grants. We are still pursuing getting capacity building grant monies from RCD.

3. Updates from MFSC Committees:

a. Water Sources Committee: Tom Carrier, lead, discussed the completion of inspections regarding water sources and their operational status. The board needs to come up with a revised land owner agreement letter and a non-exclusive emergency water usage letter, as well as identify various options to support funding for water resource improvements.

b. Evacuation Committee: David Sproul, lead, discussed that there needs to be further research and grant options regarding a siren or some type of emergency response for Manton. He explained that the current maps from the county are the only officially recognized maps. He also suggested that creating some type of phone tree for alerting people was wise and that community members should sign up for both Tehama and Shasta County alerts. David also said that he would like to step down from being lead of the group as he will be focusing on his next steps as a volunteer fireman.

c. Welcome Packet Committee: Regina Bell, lead, shared the magnets from Shasta County that displayed the phone number to call for information regarding burn days and emergency fire. Joanne Sproul made a motion to purchase 100, Janet Jensen 2nd. Motion approved. Regina reported that 5 baskets for Welcome Baskets have been donated by Shingletown Dollar General store and that she is working on local businesses to add donations and/or business cards.

4. Renee Timmons showed a graph of the town's survey that was mailed out 2 months ago and discussed the results. She talked about how the MFSC has already been focusing on those results that are the most important.

5. Joanne Paquin-Sproul gave an update on the Chili Cook-off and Ice Cream Social coming up on June 4 at the volunteer fire station. She talked about the RCD of Tehama County’s involvement with us with different wildfire prevention agencies being a part of the event. Renee Timmons spoke about how to enter for the Chili Cook-off. Forms will be available on our Facebook or website pages.

6. Purchase of Manton School property: Gerard Minakawa of Manton Parks gave an overview on the goals that MAPS has for purchasing Manton School from Antelope School District. He spoke about working with various community organizations in order to help pay for what it costs to maintain the property. There will be a meeting on April 19th at 6:00 at the school for all who would like to attend.

7. Treasurer’s report: Renee Timmons: The balance at this time is $2,125.19; our monthly expenses were $91.32 cents.

8. Next meeting is May 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30. Janet Jensen moved and Heather Boone seconded.


Survey for Master’s Project about Prescribed Fire and Cultural Burning


Manton Firesafe Council Community Meeting Notes from March 14th, 2022 at MVFD