Minutes: 11/13/23


Minutes of the Community Meeting

November 13, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department

Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin-Sproul, Chelsey Snethen, Hal Sawyer. Attending: Debbie Bell, Stephanie Dickerson, Rob McDaniel, David Sproul, Marc T., BettyKay Pilcher, Ken Pilcher, Elliott Proffitt, Trey Hiller, Wayne C. Wycoff, Heather Sharp, Rachel Branscom, Steve Branscom, Bob Cords, Paul Crabtree, Andy Smith, Monica Iognella.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Janet Jensen. Approval of August, 2023 minutes, motioned by Betty Kay Pilcher, 2nd by David Sproul, no objections.

I. Speakers: Stephanie Dickerson, Project Coordinator for Tinder Smart from Tehama Co. Resource Conservation District, spoke about residents signing up for clearing that will be funded by CalFire grant- the waiting list is currently one year, 5 months. This work will be free of charge, everyone is eligible. It includes spacing out of trees, limbing, weed eating, and shaded fuel breaks. https://www.tehamacountyrcd.org/contact-us

She also spoke about the upcoming Shaded Fuel Break work starting on Dec. 4 which will be for So. Powerhouse Rd. and Manton School Rd. The goal is to clear 20 feet on sides of both roads with mastication and limbing of trees. Hal Sawyer spoke about how he and David Sproul went door-to-door where proposed work is to be done, and that there were several absentee owners. Betty Kay Pilcher volunteered to look up realtors for people who have property for sale.

II. Janet and Joanne gave update about Lassen Fire Safe Council grant and work being done on Wilson Hill Rd. Kyle Herron from LFSC let us know that he is “currently working on flagging boundaries, flagging and GPS watercourses, and creating buffers around archeological site information. Our Shingletown/ Manton Mastication program should be running into June of this year. I do not currently have a timeline from the contractor for groundbreaking work starting in Manton. As Soon As Possible is the best answer I can give.” Joanne shared the map of the work projected to be done this year.

III. Janet reported that the Title III grant through Tehama County is $19,500 which is to be split between Manton and Lake California, the 2 Fire Safe Councils that are working with RCDTC.

IV. Ken Pilcher gave an update on the Manton Valley Radio Communication System. He talked about how the radios can be helpful for work parties, reporting suspicious activities, emergency issues, fire, or evacuation. He and Rob are developing emergency scripts to be used. MFSC voted to buy more radios and to hold the training at the fire station when Ken & Rob are ready.

V. Hal gave an update on working towards becoming a Firewise community and working with Shasta County Fire Safe Council as they have been working with smaller councils. https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/wildfire/ firewise-usa We are waiting to hear from Dan Douglas, Lassen Fire Safe Council, on our next steps.

VI. We let the community members know that Manton Fire Safe Council has a vacancy on our board! Being the Secretary means taking minutes at the quarterly meetings, and necessary Board meetings. Anyone who would like to contribute your time towards a valuable goal, please contact us: https://mantonfiresafecouncil.org/contact-us

VII. Treasurer’s Report: Chelsey Snethen reported that our expenses for the month were $838.00 and our balance as of 11/10/2023 was $13,813.80.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 with a motion from Betty Kay Pilcher and a 2nd from Chelsey Snethen. Next meeting will be February 12, 2024.


Next MFSC Meeting: February 12, 2024, 6pm at the Volunteer Fire Station


Join us for the MFSC Community Meeting