Manton Firesafe Council Community Meeting Notes from May 9th, 2022 at MVFD
Minutes of the Community Meeting
May 9, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department
Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin-Sproul, Renee Timmons, Elliott Proffitt.
Attending: Bradlee Moose, Josh Wilkins. Chad Stout, David Griffiths, Tom Carrier, Julie Turner, Cathy Sander, Jen Arens, Chelsey Snethen.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Janet Jensen. Tom Carrier opened, Julie Turner 2nd.
Recording of minutes approved, no objections.
1. Speaker Bradlee Moose introduced herself from Western Shasta Resource Conservation District and that she is going to be a reg- istered Professional Forester. She
talked about working on the Whitmore project and that her passion is to help mitigate wild- fire risk, promote forest health, and educate those interested in
resources/opportunities that may be available. She talked about home hardening, defensible space, horizontal spacing and clear- ing and shaded fuel break guide lines.
*Chad Stout, from SPI Lassen District Vegetation Management Specialist was asked about pitch beetles and he explained that beetles are looking for sugars and if you
see that the pitch is hardened, the tree is winning. With the drought factor, trees have less fight in them. Chad can be reached at
Bradlee spoke more about the Whitmore project and that contractors cannot work on something that is unpermitted. FEMA is funding the home hardening in Whitmore.
They are using an ARC GIS app for surveying, and a CA Wildfire mitigation app. People who qualify in Whitmore will be getting new roofs, screens, and clearing with de-
fensible space funding. She talked about sheds, if having 4 sides and a roof, must comply with proper distancing and hardening. Right now, there are 25 assessments in
Whitmore, with 200 next year, going towards Oak Run. There is a cost share program with a sliding scale. She mentioned that James the Tree Guy, will work for free for
clearing, his number is 530-440-4625. We also spoke to Bradlee about the need for collaboration between the counties, and possibly a demonstration project that we
collaborate on together. Bradlee mentioned that she could do an assessment for home hardening.
2. Update on United Way Grant for water tank installations: Janet reported that since the grant is for under $10,000, we are applying for a grant to purchase a 5,000 gallon
3. Updates from MFSC Committees by Elliott:
a. Water committee met with Marion and Bob to discuss locations- with dense population and making most sense, and work- ing with Sierra Pacific, the big tank would be
at Forward Rd. and Ponderosa Way, and another at Woodcutter’s Way and Rock Creek. The committee needs a legal document from us that asks for right of way.
b. Evacuation Committee: needs new lead. MVFD will work on putting new generator in fire station.
c. Welcome Packet Committee: Julie Turner spoke about what they have added to the welcome packets and about getting them out to new homeowners.
4. Joanne and Renee gave an update on the Chili Cook-off and Ice Cream Social coming up on June 4 at the volunteer fire station. Raffles coming together well and food is in good order.
5. Renee gave a Treasurer’s report and added that she will be moving at the end of June and will need a replacement. Chelsey Snethen was voted in as our new treasurer
and will be mentored by Renee in the next month. Treasurer’s report: Renee Timmons: The balance at this time is $1.957.23, our monthly expenses were $167.96 cents.
6. There was agreement from the Board that because of the Chili Cook-off on June 4, we would not have a June meeting.
Next meeting is July 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21. Julie Turner moved and Renee Timmons seconded.