Manton Firesafe Council Community Meeting Notes from July 11, 2022 at MVFD
Minutes of the Community Meeting
July 11, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Location of Meeting: Manton Volunteer Fire Department
Present at Meeting: Board members: Janet Jensen, Joanne Paquin-Sproul, Heather Boone, Elliott Proffitt, Chelsey Snethen.
Attending: Tom Carrier, Chad Stout, Regina Bell, David Sproul, Clarke Paquin, Phil Lee, Judy Ramos. Jadian Fredricks, Marion Rocksvold.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Janet Jensen.
Recording of minutes approval motioned by Regina Bell, 2nd by David Sproul, no objections.
1. Updates from MFSC Committees a. Janet reported about the United Way Grant approval for $5,000 towards water tanks. We’re waiting to hear about
the date that we receive it. Tom Carrier discussed how Tank Depot out of Anderson will give a discount of $1,000 right now for the 5,000 gallon tank so
the price will be $5,000, which does not include the infrastructure. Janet proposed that we ask RCDTC for the funding to help us with that. Tom proposed
that once we get the tank we have it delivered to his house until we get the money for the infrastructure. Regina Bell made a motion that it goes to Tom’s
when we do receive the grant money, and Heather Boone seconded it, all agreed. Jadian Fredricks brought up having a map of people’s tanks in town,
and attendees reminded him that the committee had already put work in towards updating that with CalFire. After more discussion, Jadian said he would
be willing to run a pipe out to the road for water usage in the case of a fire, sometime in the winter. Within this discussion, Chad Stout talked about using
the ONX Hunt app for drop points for referencing water tanks and placement (and that CalFire uses the Avenza app), and our board added that we had just
purchased the ONX app. Tom also reminded the board that we need the legal letter for getting onto people’s property. We’ve put requests out to both
RCDTC and Lassen FSC about a format.
b. Welcome Packet Committee:Regina Bell reported that the packets are complete, with information for Tehama & Shasta Counties. Very few have been given to new
people; we are stressing to people to take one if they know anyone new to the community.
2. Joanne spoke about the Zoom meeting that she & Janet participated in with Western Shasta Resource Conservation District which included Maureen Teu-
bert, Sarah Sillar and Bradlee Moose. The emphasis was on the fact of Manton being in two counties and the importance of Tehama and Shasta RCDs
working together on large scale projects. We asked about home hardening possibilities and demonstrations. They said that their projects have been de-
veloped for quite some time, and talked about different grants to look at, as well as becoming a Firewise community. Maureen also connected us with
Shasta County Fire Safe Council.
3. Janet reported about her phone conversation on 7/11 with Kyle Kellon, a representative from PG&E. Tom Esgate had asked us to speak with PG&E about
grant money that is available for clearing. Kyle told her that “PG&E doesn’t like to accept grant money” and that “it has to go to management and that the
wheels move slowly.” He said that he would need support from the community to get that done. Tom Carrier (a retiree from PG&E) said that since grant
money has to be accountable appropriately, that they would prefer to sub contract.
4. Janet reported on the meeting that she, Joanne and Heather had with Lassen Fire Safe Council Forester, Tim Easley, Zane Peterson and Mike Evans (and
his assistant, Chuck). Tom Esgate, due to surgery, was not able to be there. We met at the Monastery of St. John on Ponderosa Way to discuss the possibility
of Biomass thinning on the 41 acres. LFSC has grant money that can be used within our WUI (Wildland Urban Interface) map so the clearing would be
free. We spoke to the brother representing the monastery about the use of Polaris as an herbicide as compared to not using preemptive spraying (10 years
vs. yearly clearing). Father Innocent will be briefed and discussion will continue. The crew also drove up Rock Creek Rd. to assess where Tom Esgate
proposed doing mastication work.
5. Elliott reported that the MFSC has purchased a Bio-Char unit that will be able to be used by the Manton community. We will
be getting it before Fall and will set up a demonstration project. Joanne suggested that we create a new committee to handle the use, demonstration
project and sign-outs.
6. Elliott and Joanne spoke about talking with Matt Iles from Farmer’s Insurance in Palo Cedro. Matt has information about how landowner’s insurance rates
can be lowered if we have recognized and verified flow of water sources. It involves working with our Fire Chief and ISO mapping, mini fire hydrants,
and flow of water. We will be setting up a meeting with parties involved.
7. Joanne reported on the success of our first Chili Cook-off/Ice Cream Social and educational fair. It was well-attended and received with enthusiasm by
Manton residents and agencies. There were booths from Tehama Co. Sheriff, CAL FIRE, Manton FSC, TGFSC, BCWSC and USFS. As well as a children’s game & activity
booth, chili dinner and raffles! We grossed $3,700 and netted $3,300. Thank you to all who contributed!
8. Chelsey Snethen gave her first report as our new treasurer. We are happy to see our bank account growing!
9. During the Open Discussion section David Sproul, our new MVFD trainee, spoke about the importance and need of people to volunteer for our Fire De-
partment. He reminded people that we only have Marion and Bob and we don’t want to lose our Volunteer Fire Department!
10. Next meeting date is August 8, 2022 at 6:00pm.
Heather motioned that meeting adjourn. Elliott 2nd. At 7:11pm.